6 Important Things To Keep In Mind When Shopping

Have you ever purchased something that you thought you need so much but ended up never using it? We all have been there and we don’t judge over here. If you have used and worn every single item you have ever purchase, I’m gonna have to call you out and say I don’t believe that. Sometimes I look at the items with tags and think to myself “I could’ve invested in Amazon stocks with that” or that money could’ve gone towards something that I really really want.

As humans, we have to figure out ways to think logically, know when to say no, and learn control. In my younger days, I can not lie, I used to shop frivolously, buying things that I wanted without in-depth thought. With all that being said I can say I used to wear the majority of the stuff I purchased. Either to class, a kickback, or numerous events, there was always a reason to get dressed up while in college. Fast forward, these days my life just ain’t the same. Between “work appropriate” attire and being completely over the New York City social scene. A lot of my clothes do not see the light of day unless I am traveling and I usually don’t do too much when traveling.

Buy items that you absolutely love, however a few things I keep in mind when purchasing any item, whether cheap or expensive are:

You - Like the Netflix show

Buy items that are you. You know your style, and you know what you really like. You’re a tomboy at heart so why are you being that frilly lace top? Getting in tune with who you are will help avoid unnecessary purchases. This can be hard for someone like me who tends to like a little bit of everythangg.



Oh that four-letter word, S-A-L-E. Every time we see it, it’s like a neon light saying “buy me”. Try to avoid being sucked into sales and “deals”. It isn’t a deal if you have no uses for it. If you absolutely love it, wait for that “must-have” item to go on sale for better savings. Now, keep in mind sometimes those must-have items are everyone’s favorite as well and your size or the item might not be in stock when sale season rolls around. If you don’t get it, then it wasn’t meant to be.

Everyone who knows me knows that I am adamant about purchasing my luxury items in Europe for the best savings. Flights are under $500 and you’ll be getting a vacation, experience, and hundreds to thousands of dollars in savings depending on what you’re buying.


cost per wear

Cost per wear really isn’t up to the price you pay for an item, but more about how much you will wear it. Think about how many times you will really wear that seasonal puffer coat in Los Angeles vs. all-year-round neutral overalls. The cost per wear is calculated by diving the price by how many times you will use the item. Here is my cost per wear breakdown.


Gucci Ace sneakers $630/150 days (per year) = 4.2


Steve Madden heels $150/ 30 days (per year) = 5

The more expensive sneakers would be a more functional addition to my closet since I would get more wear out of them as opposed to a less expensive pair of heels that I wouldn’t wear that often.


Go for multi-functional items. Items that can be used for numerous purposes, such as day and night, office to happy hour, summer to fall, etc. These are the kind of pieces that you will get much use from. A great multifunctional piece that is slept in is the maxi skirt. It is great for the summer but can be layered underneath and worn with a sweater and/or blazer in the fall.


Know When To Splurge

Some items are worth the splurge and some aren’t. This goes alongside with cost per wear. Splurge on items that are well made that can be used throughout the year, and that you would use often. The splurge also has to make sense. I’ve seen Chanel bags made out of fabric tweed $5,000 (astronomical) …not even leather. I don’t see that as a logical splurge since the material has no durability. If it can only be used for a special occasion or season, it is not worth the splurge. However, it is your money lol.


Trends are subjective. Many people will tell you to avoid them but I disagree. If you’re really feeling it, then go for it. Some trends may align with your style. Though people have been wearing suits for centuries, it is a trendy staple at the moment which I love. I have always been a co-ord kind of girl, and prefer them over a dress or anything one piece for that matter. Now that suits are trendy, they are in abundance which means they will go on sale and I can score them for great prices.



According to Ms. Webster (Merriam Webster), a heirloom is defined as something of special value handed down from one generation to another. Some of my favorite items are some that were handed down to me from my mom. Not to mention the drastic price increase from the time she purchased it. I am prone to dropping a significant amount of money if I see it as an investment for me at the time and the generation after me.


Becoming a responsible shopper has worked for me. Ultimately what you are wearing doesn’t depict your highest level of education, social class, or income. This does not mean what you are wearing won’t bring you emotional joy that other clothing.


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